Welcome toAmy Travel Transport Co.,Ltd.

Welcome toAmy Travel Transport Co.,Ltd.


Alphard charter service

Alphard charter service

We are happy to be a part of serving you. Make your journey in every route more special, comfortable, safe with superior service. Pay attention to every detail like a VIP

for travel tourism or negotiate business Helping all your activities go smoothly. and more happiness

Experienced Driver safe driving special path expertise

with airport transfer, bus station and hotel accommodation

Fares / Fares

- Hourly charter/including petrol - 800 baht/hour/excluding expressway - do not go out of the area

- 1 day, 10 hrs./include petrol - 8,500 baht/exclude expressway-not out of the area

- Chartered to other provinces, based on the actual distance of the destination where the customer is The standard is 80 baht per km.

- Contract to do tours in the area 7,500 baht per day / excluding petrol - expressway fees

- Contract to do tours in other provinces per day, 8,000 baht / excluding petrol - expressway fees - accommodation

📌Other locations, ask for more information/Other locations, ask for more information

Click here >> @Line/ask for service details

Call the Call Center hotline >> +6692-9943921

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